Use "jury|juries" in a sentence

1. Understandably, Paul did not here mention serving on a jury, for under Roman rule there were no citizens’ juries as now exist under Anglo-American law.

2. Juries served as a safeguard against this ignorance.

3. Court cases are decided by professional judges rather than juries.

4. We used to be afraid of the juries.

5. Unlike A grand jury, a preliminary hearing is usually open to the public and involves lawyers on both sides and a judge (not so with grand juries which only involve the jurors and the prosecutor)

6. 18 The most startling innovation was the introduction of juries.

7. The jury trial finds expression_r in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury.

8. Court Proceedings, Jury Proceedings and Jury Trials; Statewide grand jury proceedings shall remain suspended through July 26, 2020

9. More disturbing questions have to do with those who serve on juries.

10. He has been called for jury service or us for jury duty.

11. The USA trial jury is similar to active jury of United Kingdom.

12. These Accompanists may be used for lessons, performance area recitals, juries, and master classes

13. This is a petit (small) jury, in contrast with a grand jury.

14. Juries are not infallible. Innocent people are convicted, and guilty people go free.

15. There is no jury.

16. The right trial jury.

17. Average citizens often were chosen for citizen juries to decide on critical matters of the day.

18. Juries may not understand the niceties of nuclear energy, but they can distinguish right and wrong.

19. A Courtroom typically features a jury box, where the members of the jury sit

20. Justice was administered in a rough and ready fashion, without using courts or juries.

21. In the other cases, police either failed to file charges, or grand juries refused to indict.

22. No jury and no appeal.

23. Promised you'd rig the jury.

24. In front of a jury.

25. The jury awarded punitive damages .

26. Grand jury indicts Michael Jackson.

27. The jury will now retire.

28. The jury pronounced him guilty.

29. The simple jury was confused.

30. The jury panel was drawn.

31. The jury finally delivered its verdict.

32. 9 The jury voted for acquittal.

33. Has the jury reached a verdict?

34. The jury found against the plaintiff.

35. Citizens are liable to jury duty.

36. The jury found him not guilty.

37. The jury found the prisoner guilty.

38. One jury will decide the retrial.

39. The jury acquitted him of stealing.

40. The jury, nevertheless, found me guilty.

41. " I'll be judge, I'll be jury, "

42. The jury found for the defendant.

43. The grand jury presented many offenses.

44. The jury were divided in opinion.

45. The jury decided against the plaintiff.

46. The jury acquitted him of murder.

47. The jury returned an open verdict.

48. The new jury were sworn in.

49. To select or impanel ( a jury ).

50. Jury service: a case study A valuable case study of this whole argument is the matter of jury service.

51. Jury Service Leave of absence with pay is granted to all employees who are required to attend jury service.

52. The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury.

53. He addressed his remarks to the jury.

54. The jury were unanimous in their verdict.

55. The criminal trial jury was mostly black.

56. If a jury has been demanded, the first order of business at trial will be to impanel the jury.

57. Eastman Community Music School pays Accompanists for Eastman recitals, master classes and juries at no cost to the student

58. The judge reminded the jury that Circumstantial …

59. She presented cogent arguments to the jury.

60. The jury were sequestered during the trial.

61. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.

62. Serious offences such as murder are tried by juries in crown courts, which have powers to hand down heavier sentences.

63. The jury acquitted him of all charges.

64. The jury have come to an agreement.

65. The Swedish jury didn't think so either.

66. The jury weighed up the evidence carefully.

67. Trial by jury is a fundamental right.

68. The trial ended with a hung jury.

69. The jury Acquitted him of all cha

70. What Tangential Factors Might Influence A Jury?

71. The jury found him guilty ( of manslaughter ).

72. The jury awarded libel damages of £000.

73. Any who are dismissed from that jury panel return to the jury pool to await random selection for other cases.

74. Two juries evaluate the stands, considering factors such as aesthetics, originality, new ideas, functionality, innovation, event experience value and presentation.

75. Banes testified at trial and told his version of events to the jury, and the jury rejected Banes’s version of events

76. Jury selection in the Chauvin trial Begins Monday

77. Publicity before the trial can contaminate a jury.

78. 13 Convene and Preside over the Arbitration Jury.

79. Fatally offended, the jury condemned him to death.

80. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.